Blues Defined

"Blues, to me, comes from when a person can feel other peopl

"A guy will promise you the world and give you nothin', and that's the blues. "

--Otis Rush
e's pain and is able to articulate it." --Carlos Santana

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Playing the Blues Live

Yesterday we attended our annual Parkinson's Support Group Christmas potluck.  There were many very special moments and it was great to see friends we have know for over five years now.  Unfortunately, the reason we are friends is that someone in each family has Parkinson's, or a similar disease such as PSP or MSA.  During the meeting I was given the opportunity to sing and play.

I chose some Christmas carols with which all could sing along.  I sang Ricky Skagg's "New Star Shining" as a solo.  At the conclusion, I did one blues number:  "Stormy Monday".  I played my Taylor 210CE acoustic with no amplification.  I really enjoyed playing the blues live, something with which I am becoming more and more comfortable.  My background in Christian, Country and Folk Rock shaped my musical life from the age of 7 years old.  The blues however, have always been inside ready to come out.  Now, I think in the language of the blues and play them like I mean what I am singing.  It has become my musical passion.  Thanks for your support and encouragement in my pursuit of improving my playing and singing of the blues.  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone!  -- Guitar Man
Taylor 210ce Acoustic Electric