Blues Defined

"Blues, to me, comes from when a person can feel other peopl

"A guy will promise you the world and give you nothin', and that's the blues. "

--Otis Rush
e's pain and is able to articulate it." --Carlos Santana

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Vintage Takamine 12 String and While My Guitar Gently Weeps

This is my latest video of the beloved song by George Harrison of the Beatles, "While My Guitar Gently Weeps."  My great life-long friend Mark H suggested this song for me, and he was right on!  I hope you like my home recorded version.  Yes, I did play three different guitar tracks and a bass line as well.  Let me know your thoughts... only if you like it (LOL)!!!


  1. Seriously, I love this song and the way you have played it here!! Now I can't get it our of my head...
    Karie :)

  2. ...if only I could spell when I contibute a post to your blog... oops

  3. Spelling accuracy is optional on this blog. Thanks for getting my version of WMGGW stuck in your head!
