Blues Defined

"Blues, to me, comes from when a person can feel other peopl

"A guy will promise you the world and give you nothin', and that's the blues. "

--Otis Rush
e's pain and is able to articulate it." --Carlos Santana

Monday, September 12, 2011

Michael J. Fox on Curb Your Enthusiasm

I was thrilled to see Michael J Fox on Curb Your Enthusiasm last night.  This was the concluding episode for the 2011 season and it ended on a good note with MJFox featured as a central part of the story.  The emphasis on Parkinson's Disease is short, but manages to point out a few important factors in the disease:  1) Parkinson's is a Brain disease (Fox makes a distinction between the mind and the brain which was an interesting moment); 2) Discussed dystonia and problems with stiff muscles that require some form of adaptation, which in Fox's case he deals with this problem by putting on hard soled shoes (in this story he hilariously uses boots); 3) "Shaking" can be misinterpreted and the story uses that theme throughout to show to indicate that assumptions are made about what facial expressions and gestures are used by the patient.  Was that head shake Fox's disapproval, or was Fox merely having a head tremor?  Funny and informative at the same time.

There are a few other good points of education for the viewers to appreciate.  I am just so grateful that Micheal J Fox and Larry David made this happen.  I don't have a full clip of the show, but this trailer will give you enough to get you to check it out on HBO.

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